Order Your Kiln-Dried Firewood

Free delivery within 15 miles of Stratford, CT

A small delivery charge applies to locations beyond that. See Terms & Conditions for details.

Order Size

Before placing an order, please review the dimensions of the amount of firewood you plan to purchase - it often takes up more space than you expect! While we do our best to carefully stack firewood in the location where you'd like it placed, we can only do that if there's enough room.

  • 1/6 of a cord

    4' x 4' x 16"

  • ⅓ of a cord

    4' x 8' x 16"

  • ½ of a cord

    4' x 4' x 4'

  • 1 cord

    4' x 4' x 8'


Ready to order but don’t have a firewood rack?

We offer quality firewood racks that are sturdy enough to withstand the harsh winters, but still easy to disassemble and store out of the way until next year. Each rack is made of 2x4 lumber and custom-designed metal brackets. Size ranges from 4' long (for 1/6 cord) to 8' long (1/3 cord); all racks are 4' tall. Just select which size rack you would like and we will assemble it for you when we deliver your order.

Questions? You can reach us during these hours at 203-258-5584

8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
8:00 AM - NOON
By email only

Deliveries will be made during the hours shown above

Firewood Order Form

"*" indicates required fields

Delivery Address*

Note: Dumped and Stacked Firewood is available April 1st - August 31st. Dumps will not be available from September 1st - March 31st. No bulk deliveries after September 1st.

Stacked Firewood Pricing
Price includes delivery (within 15 miles of Stratford, CT) and stacking. Location where firewood will be stacked must be within 30 feet from the delivery truck and have no stairs.
Dumped Firewood Pricing
Price includes delivery (within 15 miles of Stratford, CT) and dumping in driveway.
Firewood Racks (Optional)
Price includes delivery (within 15 miles of Stratford, CT) and dumping in driveway.
Please note that a delivery fee of $4 per mile will be charged for every round-trip mile beyond a 15-mile radius from our Stratford, CT location. We will let you know the amount before your order is confirmed.
How would you like to pay for your order?*
All firewood must be prepaid before a delivery date can be arranged.
Price: $0.00
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.